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Helper Angel Art
In my work I have been seeing many more people who are “waking up” and experiencing huge shifts and changes in their lives, many are seeking to live from a place of more purpose and meaning, where they are realising that it is not just about them or their immediate family, but serving the greater whole, to co-creating a better world for all.
Also many more are having deeply spiritual experiences not encountered before, including visions, clairaudient messages and seeing with their own eyes (not just clairvoyantly with their third eye) orbs, lights and sparkles and spirit manifestations. In many ways the veil between worlds has continued to be thinning, and what was once dimensionally out of the remit of most people’s awareness, for many more is just part of their everyday experience.
It is pretty much what happened to me starting over 8 years ago now. For me however, it was my own longing and desire to help humanity that mainly arose, I did not know how I was really meant to do that .. I just knew that from the kindness I was being shown in hours of my greatest need, and seeing how amazing an effect this had on my life and the ensuing changes, that I wanted to help people too – to pass it on, to help empower and inspire them, as I had been.
My sixth sense abilities grew and grew and I had already been receiving visions and messages that helped and assisted me, and all the studying, personal and spiritual growth work I embarked upon has led me to where I am today (and I continue in my journey of growth and consciousness expansion).
In January 2011 I posted a channel received from spirit, with a line that sticks with me relating to the overthrow of dictators and those that lie and deceive working to their own ends and not for the greater good of humanity. It said that they would be either be publically challenged, or come up against their own personal challenge. Well let us just say that what has come to pass speaks for itself.
I am currently following with great interest (and at times interacting with the participants) the 99% Movement and Occupations in our own towns and cities and across the world. Yes some of those protesting have their own personal agenda, but the overall aspect that I and many are seeing is to bring back fairness, justice and better human rights and freedoms, with a message of peace and love, as the desire is to keep the protest occupations peaceful and democratic, and to help raise awareness in the hope to bring about change as to how things are run fairer and better for all.
Yes times are changing, there is a definite consciousness shift occurring in many. Sadly many things are still being misreported in the media and indeed, with a definite decision by those powers that wishes to control and dominate, by keeping the masses in the dark or giving mis-information, in order to continue to serve their own desires and agendas.
Do not be fooled however, also know that an awakened person is a very powerful person ... the more aligned to truth, integrity, what is right and good and morally beneficial for the whole, is an integration of consciousness that vibrates very high. As is acting from the highest most loving will, and being with compassion and kindness. It is in these consciousness states of awareness that you can actually feel and see when lies and unethical things are taking place too. After all when your agenda is peace, love and freewill, you can spot very quickly sense when someone else’s intention is the very opposite, at least that has been my own experience.
Yes, your true power lies in peace, in non-violence and holding to truth and justice in what is right for all, as indeed, if it is not good for all, then it is not good at all. This is the method that will help to heal a broken world. One of my favourite quotes is that “shooting for peace is like screwing for virginity ... it ain’t gonna happen!
How can violence create peace? It just perpetuates fear (which weakens) and creates anger (which weakens) and retaliation, which only serves to create more violence, death and destruction.
Peaceful intentions help to create a space for growth, expansion, for something wonderful to break through. It strengthens you as a person, and helps you to live a life of more meaning as you are a beacon for hope, this raises the chance to also help and inspire others around you ... indeed the very energy you emit has a power that can energetically help transform those around you ... just by your very beingness.
Of course for us to come to that place it requires often much and continued self healing, personal growth and self-realisation – but many who have been working to heal themselves and their lives, are now the very ones who are ready to hold the light and intentions for a better world, from a place of compassion and understanding, and have been doing so for quite some time often too.
I am blessed in that I have people around me who understand this, some are monks, some are holistic therapists and healers, doctors, some are solicitors, office workers, actors, shop workers etc... they are everywhere, in all parts of our society and world.
Knowing this, the message is also that the time has come to reconnect with each other more as well, after many (including myself) have had to spend much time alone to truly find themselves and connect deeper with their own soul self and indeed, to the greater expansive consciousness of God or Source, or whatever you wish to call that infinite loving intelligence that is omnipresent and omnipotent etc. So that they could truly excavate their authentic selves, and become better containers and vessels their more recognised “divine” selves.
I am also encountering more and more of what I call “special children”, who seem already very awake, their true nature shines though, and they seem to me to be enlightened and even avatars. Yes I know many of us are indigos, starseeds, earth angels etc.... but these new souls that are being birthed appear to be vibrating at such high levels already, and connecting and communicating with us in wonderful ways. I often end up having some amazing telepathic conversations with these souls, sometimes communicating pre-birth too, when their mothers come and visit me for psychic readings.
This is so very exciting, not only to feel and experience, but to also interact with and see ... but knowing it is part of the divine plan of the true consciousness awakening on the planet. Yes, it is part of our evolution to the Golden Age, the Aquarian Age that I am told begins on 11/11/11 – itself a powerful date, a “oneness” date.
Knowing we are all one, as energetically there is no separation..... If you are reading this, know that you are indeed my brother or sister, no matter your colour, creed, beliefs or even deeds ... there is no separation. Moreover however it is a soul resonate knowing and a feeling that we are ONE – not just a theoretical or scientific, quantum mechanical known.
I pray for all to be awakened to this knowing, but it is not for everyone to awaken at this time .. and all have a part to play in whatever way their soul decided before they incarnated into their current physical body, and have their own path to tread.
The message is all we can do is the best we can, acting from the best place we know. If you are more awake than most, you probably realise most of what has been written here, and more besides..... So you know how very precious and amazing you are too, I hope.
We are the trailblazers that are helping to not only map out the blue print to a new and better world, but also those that have to walk the talk and be the beacons of the possibility becoming a reality. We are the magicians, the manifestors, the co-creators, and the visionaries, the prophecy fulfillers etc. that have been, and are continuing to lay the foundations for a Golden Age, right now, today, tomorrow, and continuing.
Together we can help change the world, to help make it more peaceful, fair, loving and caring, where compassion and kindness are just the traits that are the first most natural reaction to each other ......well I can dream ... but so can you... SO CAN YOU!
After all, everything that has become a physical reality was once just a thought or a dream. We are the ones we have been waiting for ... and spirit are telling me “its time – get out there!” And as I offered a long time ago to help and assist as best I can, it is with my soul pledge to God that I surrendered. I hope and intend that I can do the best I can, for the highest and best of intentions for all concerned.
Sending you love and peaceful blessings.
Sarah Page - Helper Angel
If you would like to know more about having a psychic reading, mentoring and life guidance sessions with Sarah Page, or attend a workshop or the Soul Evolve weekly group, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Page - or email Thank you
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