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Source gives you a way of being healthy, by guiding you back by your feelings. When you feel emotionally less good then you are further away from source and the better you feel the closer you are to your true being. Easier said than done I know. I have studied this for a long time to understand how our emotions affect our health. Now my understanding is that you just need to concentrate on how you feel and those raised vibrations will vibrate you back to health.
It took me a long while to get a handle on my emotions and if asked I would not really be able to explain how I felt. Even now I have to focus to catch the vibration. It is easy to just live life and be focused on outside activities and events and not notice your own vibration that contributes to all your experiences.
Say you wake up and think ‘Oh no work today. I hate having to get up early.’ So the day has started off on a bad note. Maybe with a heavy heart but certainly not a bounce in your step. This then attracts further events and experiences on a similar vibrational level. Perhaps you develop a cough, bang your elbow as you walk through the door and only notice the bad things in your life. This will no doubt continue through the day unless something shakes you out of it. If you start each day with the same thought then you might have lots of repeat days that are similar.
Imagine if you woke and thought ‘I am lucky to have a job. I am ready to get up now.’ You might walk to your bathroom and appreciate having hot and cold running water. Clean clothes to put on afterwards and food in your fridge for breakfast. This might then lead to meeting some nice people and having a good day at work. Because you are looking for positive things in your life you find them and meet other happier people and events as your energy links and connects to their vibration.
So out of those two scenarios, who do you think might be healthiest? The positive thinker will have good health and the negative thinker will have worse health. Now what I have found is it is not realistic to go from low vibration to high vibration and stay high. It is far better to make small changes and gradually work up to feel authentically happier. So if you are a negative thinker it is more effective to spend some time choosing some better thoughts that make you feel better but not aiming for amazing to start with.
For example if you tend to feel a lot of fear, you probably cannot decide to feel joy all day every day from now. It is more likely that a fearful person can choose to notice their insecurity first or their guilt which are both higher vibrational emotions to fear. Then once that has been done any jealousy could be recognised because again it is better to feel jealous then fearful. So its like climbing up an emotional ladder. Hatred, revenge, anger, discouragement are all better feelings than fear. One you access higher vibrational emotions then you have access to even higher emotions. So from anger you can reach up to discouragement, blame, worry, doubt, disappointment. But from fear you would not have consistently reached these levels.
I find the emotional vibrations very interesting and help guide others through their emotional journey to feeling better. I offer sessions via email to guide a person from where they are to where would feel better. Often we are not even aware of where we are on certain subjects. For example when thinking of your husband you might feel angry, but when you think of your grandchild you feel love, but overall feel frustrated. We all have a variation of feelings of different subjects and so our vibration varies depending on what we are focusing on. If we focus more on the difficult areas then our vibration might well be in the unhealthy category.
If you would like a free taster of what I do then please email me or go to my website and click on the free taster session button.
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