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"You Create Your Own Reality" (YCYOR) is a New Age mantra frequently spoken by people in the Mind/Body/Spirit movement. But what does this actually mean? And how exactly, as the metaphysical literature would have us believe, do we create all of our personal reality—including those unpleasant creations such as illness? Furthermore, surely the reality of some guy snatching my phone and running off with it has nothing to do with my own creative abilities!
It was Seth, an "energy personality essence" that relayed "spiritual" information through the channeller and author Jane Roberts between the 1960s and 1980s, that coined the expression YCYOR. Careful study of his works, The Seth Material, regarded by transpersonal psychologists as the leading metaphysical source, reveals exactly what YCYOR means, and crucially, how we go about creating it—both personally and collectively.
Since the 1980s, a burgeoning number of channeling psychics have come to the fore. Abraham, (through Esther Hicks), Bashar (Darryl Anka), and Omni (John L. Payne), are but a few energy personality essences producing valuable material designed to assist our understanding on how we go about forming our realities. Their material also offers reassurance to those of us frightened by the realities of these fraught yet highly significant times of political, economic, religious, and educational change.
In my book, It's About You! Know Your Self, I have brought together a wide variety of teachings on how we create our individual reality. The book explores material provided by numerous metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, and scientific sources—synthesizing profound knowledge on the true nature of our physical reality into a consistent, clear message.
I can tell you upfront that the primary ingredients that go into what you perceive to be your reality are the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that your personality respectively attracts, grows, and allows to flow through it. Of these elements, your beliefs hold the key to what you eventually manifest in the physical realm. They form a psychological filter, a colander through which you sieve the energies of your thoughts and emotions before you bake them into your cake of physical solidity.
This article focuses on how emotions become involved in the process of reality creation.
Firstly, you should know that emotions have a dual purpose in your life. You may be surprised to learn (from Elias, channeled by Mary Ennis) that emotions not only provide the energy to drive your actions, but they also inform you of your "inner" psychological health. Emotional energy stimulates action for many life forms, but the sophistication of our human consciousness allows us the opportunity to reflect on the communication "attached" to the energy. We need to wake up to the fact that emotions are not just an energy resource.
As you are a sentient life form, emotions become more than just an energy reserve for action—they are a means by which your inner self (soul if you prefer) communicates with your conscious mind. When you're entertaining an emotion, your inner self uses the opportunity to inform you of what is happening at the psychological level within you.
Positive or negative?
There is an obvious separation in how we regard emotions. We label them as either "positive" or "negative" in tone—joy is a positive emotion to experience, whereas anxiety is clearly negative.
Several channeled guides use this positive/negative contrast to simplify things. Essentially, they are saying that positively felt emotions (when you feel good)—such as joy, gladness, contentment, or excitement—provide you with the knowledge that in the moment of such positivity you are in alignment with your life's intent and purpose (the subconscious directional forces that influence your life choices). The emotion is reminding you of the "vibrational tone" of your true "inner" identity (Essence self)—the spiritual foundation of who you are and what you are here to do.
Negatively felt emotions (when you feel bad)—such as guilt, anger, disgust, or anxiety—inform you that you are presently out of alignment with your Essence self's ambitions, off the path of your life's purpose, and in need of some serious quality time to meditate on the structure of your beliefs.
Getting angry?
If you are experiencing the emotion of anger, for example, your inner self is attempting to inform you that your conscious mind is finding its choices on how to act restricted. Anger may begin with frustration, which is when you mentally begin to shut down your freedom of choice. As emotional energy rises within you to the point of anger, you are imagining your choices are becoming more and more confined. Then, if rage takes over, you are likely only perceiving (preparing for imminent manifestation) one possible choice of action.
What you can't see through the mists of anger is that there are always a great number of choices available to you in any situation. Yes, the emotion of anger is providing you with plenty of energy to physically respond to the situation, but the emotion is also informing you that you have certain beliefs that are restraining your choice of response. These are usually core beliefs that demand that you respond in a habitual manner, a manner governed by precedent—no matter whether any actions taken are inappropriate to the current circumstances, or more significantly, are violent in nature.
The emotional energy we call anger, which can lead you to create an inappropriate behaviour, is channelled through your belief systems. For anger then, it is a belief, or set of beliefs, that give you no choice on how to act. Your inner self is communicating this fact to you as the energy begins to course through you. This is the message sent with your bucket full of angry emotional energy.
What to do?
As with any negatively labeled emotion such as anger, you are required (for optimum psychological health) to act on one fundamental therapeutic principle—examine your beliefs, and modify them as soon as you can.
Staying with the example of anger, your inner self asks you to look for beliefs that appear to be restricting your choices. Simply becoming aware of what belief is affecting your ability to choose how to act begins the therapeutic process. After an angry interlude, when you are calm, just ask the question, "What is the predominant belief that I associate with this situation, and do I regard it as a "fact" or "truth" about how to lead my life?"
Facts and truths, you see, are often core beliefs purporting to be of the utmost importance to you—unquestionable reality—thus hidden from the eyes of your questioning mind.
So… if the "truth" of the matter is that your children must eat their vegetables, then realise you can modify this actual belief to something like: I trust that my children will eat healthily from the selection of nutritious foods I provide for them.
Different emotions, different messages
It's About You! Know Your Self presents many of the specific messages behind the differing emotions in an Appendix. What we think of as primary emotions, love and fear, are handled separately as these are not emotions but "states of being." If you like, the state of your psychological being is either "love-ly" (in tune with your Essence), "neutral" (navigating the circumstances with no great emotional involvement), or entertaining the state of fear in some way—through the pattern of your thoughts.
The state of fear has a complexity of "layers"—from the beneficial impulse to act immediately when in danger, to a fundamentally debilitating state of mind that has your inner self issue the communication that you are generating a lack of trust within you. This is usually to do with a lack of trust in your creational abilities. The bottom line is that fear is telling you that you don't hold the belief that you are capable of creating your own realty.
Even so, whether you believe it or not, YCYOR remains a fundamental truth within our physical realm. We will come to realize that emotions are the life force of this physical plane, as they are integral to its expression through our Selves.
It is because we are currently unfamiliar with the dual role of emotions—energy and a communication—that we remain in abject confusion as to their true nature and importance to our well-being. Until we fully understand them, we will continue to habitually react to certain situations rather than respond to them in a fully informed, objective, and self-developing manner. It is important to remember that it's not the emotion that has you re-act; it's the situation that triggers a controlling, reactionary belief.
An emotion is not a reaction to the circumstances; it is informing you of all the factors that go into creating the circumstances.
Once you begin to recognize that emotions are energy resources that always carry a message from your inner self (and are not a reaction to the circumstances), your freedom of choice, on how to act in the circumstances, opens up.
The reason you entertain an emotion is to bring into your awareness the subtler details of the experience to which your conscious-mind is not paying attention. For this reason, when you thoughts appear to be in chaos, turn your attention to what you are actually creating in the moment. Do you sense negative emotion involved in the creation? If so, know that it contains vital information about why you've created the experience, information worthy of investigation if not in the moment, when you are able.
Many of us assume that we have little power of control over our emotions. Emotions appear to be forces "outside" of us—independent organisms akin to viruses and bacteria whose energies will help us either resolve a situation, or make matters worse. Emotions are independent—belief systems are not required for their expression—which various members of the animal kingdom (such as dogs and horses) demonstrate. However, they are in fact very much a part of us, intimately interwoven into our psychological structuring and our ability to express our personality, and ultimately our Selves, in the physical domain. As Seth reminds us, they are the life force of this dimension of existence we call physical reality.
Science recognizes that primary emotions exist within other animals, apply to all evolutionary levels, and are key survival tools. In the main, metaphysical literature agrees with these findings, but we have a lot more to learn about emotions—they are far more than survival tools, they are integral to your expression and a key energy resource in the creation of your reality.
Short bio:
Chris Johnson holds a BSc and MSc in Psychology from the Universities of London and Surrey respectively. He utilises Energy Psychology techniques in his psychotherapeutic practice, Counselling for your Self, along with Past Life Regression Therapy taught to him by Dr. Brian Weiss in the USA.
Alongside his academic studies on the nature of the psyche, he has explored and examined the profound information contained within various metaphysical sources—particularly The Seth Material. June 2013 sees the publication of his first book in a trilogy entitled It's About You! This work is a synthesis of the profound knowledge exhibited by metaphysical, scientific, and philosophical literature on the subject of our "Self" and how we go about creating our physical experiences.
Chris has taught and presented internationally on his findings and interpretations of metaphysical knowledge since 2003. He is a member of The Scientific and Medical Network, and is a Principal Instructor for NewWorldView. He lives in the UK.
It's About You is published by O Books
978-1-78099-111-5 | $33.95 | £18.99 |
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