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How to Be Happy eBook
Are you happy? Take a moment and feel that question.
I am sensing a few ‘mmm’ pauses there. It is really easy to say ‘Yes I am happy’ but when we stop, really stop to feel this – we often come up with confusion. That confusion is often a result of not knowing the difference between happiness and pleasure.
Happiness is a state of contentment, openness, acceptance and non-resistance. It is not necessarily the same as bliss.
Pleasure is a momentary enjoyable experience – sex, food, a trip to the park. Valid, certainly but not much more than a response to an external experience.
Happiness comes from within. How do we achieve this?
Firstly – stop chasing it for it will elude you. Secondly – feel your pain, yep – feel it! ‘How the hell will that make me happy?’ I hear you scream! Well – why do we seek pleasure? Very often to avoid something. That something is usually grief of some description – there are other emotions thrown in there too – anger, resentment, sadness, fear etc etc – and what are all those negative states of mind preventing us from achieving? Happiness. So the solution is:
Transform the negativity.
To transform the negativity and become happier we need to embrace the states we avoid.

Matt Chase International
There are many ways to do this: therapy, healing and meditation to name three. Meditation is commonly misunderstood, it is associated with calming the mind, silencing thoughts and attaining enlightenment and whilst these can come about through meditation, what is rarely mentioned is just how disturbing meditation can be! Think about it – an hour (for example) all alone with YOU. That’s right, if meditating mindfully, you are completely alone with yourself, facing your demons, your negative mental chatter and probably a whole lot of other stuff you’d really rather I didn’t mention right now thank you very much.
It’s okay. I have to do this too. I have to sit uncomfortably watching my breath, allowing whatever it is to arise within me and, then, and only then – can it rear its ugly head, bite me on the ass and show itself for what it truly is – an illusion.
Ironic isn’t it? That all these painful emotions that are preventing us from being happy - are just illusions? They are not real.
What has this got to do with happiness? Well, throw yourself into your meditation practice, my blog will help you to do that so pop along to my website.
I wish you so much happiness – you could go POP!
Matt Chase International
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