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The way of the shaman.
With only a single beat of the drum, you can be transported to another place in another time, it is not your imagination, the place you visit is as real as the paper you are reading.
Many a Shaman has sat and wondered with the beat of the drum, now I and they ask you to join with us.
They were used to encourage war and create positive Energy for the Warriors of their day.
Used for Healing properties. Used to calm their children.
Used for celebration, chants, prayers and thankfulness of the light out of the darkness, bringing sunshine to another day.
Different drums each give off their own frequency of energy that's heard in a millisecond of time.
The vibration field goes beyond that of the sound wave created by the beat of the drum. To hear a simple beating of the drum can transform and take our minds to distant shamanic places, irrespective of culture or religious back ground.
The frequency takes us deeper into a deep relaxed state, th
e physical meets the spiritual that combines to provide harmony and tranquility giving rise to the physical and spiritual bodies repairing themselves, then returning to the physical world once more, healed and ready to live again in peace.
With prayers we send out , let them be heard, with the beats we call our fathers and brothers, the wise ones, the medicine men and those of our mothers and sisters, the animals and plant spirits, we ask for prayers and healing to be sent to mother earth, for help she needs, their answers will come as their heart beats once again from the beat of our sacred drum.
So now is the drums of the shamans calling you to join with them, if they are and you fancy a go with a drum, look for local groups to you.
Workshops are always on the go, in derbyshire area where i live, you can message me for details at, drums supplied or bring your own and its always limited places.
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