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I have been doing Zen meditation for over twenty years, and at first it was something that I did when I was a bit tired but couldn't get to sleep. This was not when I was in bed, but during the day on a train when I was very tired. I shut my eyes and tried to relax. Then when I couldn't sleep because there was too much noise, I naturally went in to a meditative state. And instead of sleeping, I was still awake but resting. Able to hear all the noises around me, but not disturbed by them. It was so relaxing and I felt much better afterwards and less tired. I do believe that meditation is a natural thing for people to do, and that it is beneficial for us.
Initially knew that I felt better after mediating. My brain was more relaxed, and my thoughts more relaxed. Aferwards I was less worried, less stressed and felt less tired. I have always meditated anywhere I felt the need to shut my eyes for a while. On trains, in airport waiting rooms, and of course in my living room sat on the sofa. I have never sat crossed legged on the floor, nor ever sat in the lotus position to meditate. I sit as comfortable as I can. I try not to think about anything, and don't focus on any thoughts that I have. They simply drift by.
After many years of meditating, I read about it and realised, yes, that was what I was doing. And it had a name 'Zen Meditation' also called 'sitting meditation'. I have since then read a lot about it on the internet, and am interested to see that there have been several research studies conducted which are showing the health benefits of zen meditation.
I am now a Reiki Master Practitioner. When I give Reiki or do Reiki for myself, at the same time I meditate. I am pleased to be able to use my meditation skills for the benefit of other people now as well as for myself. Meditation and Reiki helps me in my daily life, I do both for my health and wellbeing as well as to reduce worries and stress. It is lovely to take time out for myself to sit and relax and meditate. I do this nearly every day for myself, and I do Reiki for other people as often as I can . One of my favourite colours is purple and it is interesting that when I meditate and do Reiki that I see the colour purple. Recently when I gave Reiki to a friend of mine, he also saw the colour purple. And he said that usually he didn't see any colours at all. So, I don't think that it was a coincidence, I think he saw purple when I saw it. So, the picture of the purple sky represents what I see when I meditate.
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